Anthony Khelil
Entrepreneur, Teacher and Web Developer

Passionate about computers and video games since I was very young, I was lucky enough to be able to learn development very early in my life, and to quickly launch my first projects. After growing up in the world of video games, I moved towards the Web, and I started to create my first SaaS (Web Platforms) in order to achieve financial independence. In parallel with these developments, I also had the opportunity to lead numerous training courses, on varied and innovative themes, with people with incredibly diverse skills and backgrounds !

Since 3 Years
Entrepreneurship means understanding a person's problem and offering them a solution that will meet their expectations. And today, in an ultra-connected world, the opportunities to find, solve and propose solutions to the needs of people around the world have never been so numerous !

Since 5 Years
Teaching is one of my favorite activities, because it highlights the human aspect, too often neglected in the developer profession, and consists not of unrolling a predefined script, but of adapting to our audience, and ensuring that it is well understood by our audience.

Since 7 Years
The role of a developer is, of course, to design and implement new features within an application, but above all to manage to imagine it in its entirety, to have a code that is both efficient, understandable, but above all easy to maintain within the community of developers.